Major Uses

Indoxacarb is an oxadiazine pesticide that is commonly used as a once monthly topical treatment for fleas.

Common Precautions

Indoxacarb should not be administered to animals that are younger than 8 weeks of age or that weigh 2 lbs. or less. Animals that are pregnant, nursing, or intended for breeding should also not use this drug. Caution should be exercised when using indoxacarb on animals that are elderly or debilitated.

If indoxacarb is accidently ingested, the patient may experience intermittent excess salivation. Other possible negative side effects include face licking, head shaking, and squinting. Indoxacarb should not be administered more than once a month, as complications may arise.

Indoxacarb should not be used in animals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to the drug. A veterinarian should be contacted immediately if any adverse reactions occur or if an overdose is suspected.


Indoxacarb should be stored in a dry place at room temperature. Care should be taken to keep indoxacarb out of reach from children and pets.


Indoxacarb is a topical solution that is typically administered to the back of the neck of the animal to ensure that it will not be licked off. When administering, care should be taken to ensure that the solution reaches the skin. Care should also be taken to make sure the solution does not come in contact with the skin or eyes of the person administering the medication.

Should a scheduled dose be forgotten, it should be administered as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next scheduled application, the missed dose should be skipped and the regular application schedule should resume. Two doses of indoxacarb should never be administered at the same time.

Doses may vary in different species, when the drug is given by a different route or concurrently with other medications, and with regards to a patient's age, breed, and health status. A veterinarian's dosing instructions and/or those printed on the medication label should be followed closely.

This information is for general reference only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition of your pet. It's intended as a general reference, this information may not include all possible uses, precautions, directions, reactions (including allergic), drug interactions, or withdrawal times. Always consult your local veterinarian and have your pet examined for any advice concerning the diagnosis and treatment of your pet, including which products and doses are most appropriate. Any trademarks are the property of their respective owners. VetDepot is not a pharmacy. All prescription products are dispensed by our Pharmacy Partner. Article last updated 2/2014.